Enjoying Retirement With A Pension? Beware, Treasury Opens Door For Trouble

Fortunate are those who can enjoy retirement with an employer monthly pension check. Especially from a fully funded pension plan. After years of dedicated service to an employer, the hard-won guaranteed retirement income for life is a valuable asset to have. Even if you don’t have a pension, you probably know a loved one that does.

Something happened on March 6, 2019 without any big announcement or fanfare – The TRUMp administration Treasury rolled back a retiree protection that had been put in place to head off abuse and scheduled to be cemented into policy. They ended rules preventing companies from buying out their retired employees monthly pension with lump-sum offers. Now the door is open for trouble down the road for contacted retirees who fail to properly evaluate and act when confronted with a pension buyout offer.

Enjoying Retirement With A Pension? Beware, Treasury Opens Door For Trouble

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Retirement With A Pension Is Now a Rare Benefit To Have

Companies have been cutting and ending pension benefits for decades. The pension promises to long-time employees are often broken, from benefit qualifying rule changes to bankruptcy reorganization. But even those who have retired with their earned monthly pension can be caught up with corporate efforts to reduce keeping up their end of the bargain. With today’s corporate environment and leadership dynamics, corporations just don’t want pension obligations on their books.

The corporate tool used to shed existing pensioners from their books was to off-load them to an insurance company through what is called pension de-risking. Instead of retirees having a monthly pension guaranteed by the PBGC, with de-risking they were moved to an insurance annuity with their limited annuity protections. But now corporations will have another available tool to rid themselves of pensions, they can make offers to buyout existing retiree pensions with what may appear to be a generous lump-sum. But is it really all that generous?

Why Does Offering Lump-Sum Pension Buyouts Open The Door For Trouble?

What’s the big deal? Many who have a pension benefit are allowed to make a decision at retirement time whether to take a lump-sum or the monthly annuity. They are often not equal, with one having a greater value than the other. There are a lot of considerations that depend on your unique situation to make that decision, like longevity and personal financial discipline.

Those same considerations are necessary for anyone contacted during their retirement with a pension buyout offer. But not everyone was given that annuity vs lump-sum option when they first retired and may be caught off guard. Being contacted now mid-retirement may be the first taste of this critical decision.  

What Needs To Be Considered

First, don’t be fooled by what looks like a huge lump-sum number. Fixed guaranteed monthly retirement income is a luxury that’s expensive to replace. The number offered is most likely insufficient to be fully equal to the real value of your monthly pension. Not to be cynical, but we need to consider that the lump-sum pension buyout offer isn’t out of love for the retiree. Also, especially with this administration, nothing is done by government unless- One, it is politically advantageous, or Two, it was heavily lobbied for by corporate special interest. This pension protection roll-back smells like number Two is smeared all over it. With that in mind….

Check The Lump-Sum Buyout Amount Through An Annuity Calculator

The lump-sum offer is supposed to replace your monthly pension. See if it is by checking an annuity calculator to verify if it could replace your full pension payment amount. Not that you want to take the lump-sum buyout to replace it with an annuity. But instead to see just how close the lump-sum amount is to being able to do so. Use your pre-tax / pre other deduction full pension payment amount. Include in your annuity comparison extras your pension may have like a survivor benefit, inflation protection, etc. The idea is to figure out if the lump-sum amount is really a good buyout offer that fits your unique retirement needs or quickly see if it’s a low-ball attempt to be rid of you.

Retirement Health Insurance

If you have a retirement health insurance benefit, then your premium is most likely deducted pre-tax from your pension check. Accepting the lump-sum buyout offer means your insurance premium would now have to be paid with after tax money from other sources. It might be very difficult to qualify for the schedule A medical tax deduction at tax filing time. Depending on how much you pay this may be something to take into consideration.

Get An Idea About Your Pension Health

As a retiree you most likely get a yearly update about your pension plan financials. Whether your pension plan is fully funded or underfunded, it may play into your decision. If it is underfunded and headed for failure it is guaranteed by the PBGC. You might want to see what the maximum PBGC payout amounts are for your situation if it was to ever go into default. Do some research to understand where the plan stands and where you stand if the worst should ever happen to the pension plan.

Run The Lump-Sum Amount Through A Retirement Calculator

A big lump-sum might look like a fantastic offer but will it be enough to continue funding your retirement?  You must roll the money into an IRA to defer being immediately taxed. It’s then part of your overall portfolio. Run your numbers through a retirement calculator to make sure it can even meet your needs for as long as you are on the planet.

Self Assess Your Risk Tolerance

Accepting the lump-sum buyout offer means increasing risk in your retirement funding. That’s the whole point of companies making these offers in the first place. It’s all about moving the risk from them to the retiree. There can be rewards with an invested lump-sum if market conditions are favorable. But the opposite happens during market and economic downturns. Decide if that is something you can or want to handle in retirement.

Evaluate Your Health and Longevity

If your health is failing then you might be tempted by a lump-sum buyout to leave something more behind for your heirs. There are also long-term care considerations. If you have no long-term care plan, your State may treat monthly pensions differently than lump-sum assets held in an IRA when it comes to Medicaid.

Talk With A Trusted Certified Financial Planner

Consult with a CFP before making any moves. They can weigh in on the offer and provide insight into other things that should be considered. They can show you the best portfolio diversification strategy to use. You can also see whether your risk tolerance favors either staying in the annuity or taking the lump-sum buyout offer. After all, you want to enjoy your retirement, not worry about your finances.


Don’t blindly believe a slickly worded pension buyout offer or any hard-sell limited time offer pressure. Do your research and consult with a CFP professional. The last thing anyone wants to do when contacted out of the blue with a pension buyout is to later end up regretting their decision.

2 thoughts on “Enjoying Retirement With A Pension? Beware, Treasury Opens Door For Trouble

  1. Yes its good to look at all angles to decide what’s best for you. Im sure in some cases it may work out for the better, but usually these companies have it figured out that it will benefit them over the long run.

    1. Thanks for the comment Arrgo. The protection was in place because of concern that companies would take things farther than an offer just slightly in the company’s favor and some people as they are, having a difficult time weighing the value of something immediate against monthly for life, could fall for a low ball offer. From my mega-corp experience I think it’s likely.

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