I’m Celebrating 13 Years Of Early Retirement

I have good reason to celebrate my now 13 years of early retirement. Mostly because I beat the odds and went against traditional retirement advice. Some of my success is dismissed as luck. But I think we make our own luck and work with what we have regardless of the obstacles we encounter. This is a BFD milestone early retirement anniversary for me. It comes within months of reaching my next phase of this FIRE journey. That being the transition from early retirement to just retirement. My early retirement plan held true to get to this point. 

I’m Celebrating 13 Years Of Early Retirement

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The How And What Of 13 Years Of Early Retirement

When it started. 

I retired at the young age of 51 from a 31 year career in telecom in December 2009. It was right during the great recession. My original 10 year plan was to actually retire early at age 50 in 2008. But I delayed pulling the trigger after the recession induced portfolio and economic slaughter. I just needed time to feel it out and be comfortable with walking away from the lifetime conditioning of the employment and career focused system. Jumping out of an airplane goes against acceptable reasoning even when you’re wearing a parachute. The first time is going to be a mind-warp to deal with. Especially if unexpected bad weather, like a recession or any other economic disruption is dropped into the equation.

How I funded my early retirement. 

We applied our version of frugal living so that we could maximize savings while we were still working and to create a lower cost lifestyle that we could enjoy living with. Knowing our sustainable budget allowed us to retire young with less than a million dollar portfolio

Almost all of our portfolio was in retirement accounts. Because I was only 51 I utilized the SEPP 72t backdoor approach to fund my early retirement without worry of paying the pre-age 59 ½ early withdrawal 10% penalty. I immediately started receiving monthly distributions from my IRA that covered my budget. 

Pursued opportunities of interest.

I had always planned to live a retire early and often lifestyle once I freed myself from my career. Adopting the mindset that retirement is the absence of needing to work, not the absence of work is something we all can benefit from. It was fun navigating the world of work in retirement when I didn’t have to. I was able to free myself from chasing dollars and make decisions based on interests and passions. There was a feeling of employment liberation within a new power dynamic that was in my favor. 

I continued living off of my 72t distributions while I worked my paid adventures. Putting all my earnings from any gig toward paying off our modest mortgage and reinvesting back into the portfolio. 

It has been some years since my last paid adventure. I’ve been even more picky about what it would take to re-enter the workforce since running through my bucket list of job interests. I do look back at my retirement gigs fondly as the most enjoyable and rewarding work experiences of my life. 

The End of the 72t.

The rules for a SEPP 72t are fairly rigid. It’s something that one doesn’t want to run afoul because there’s a penalty for doing so. Once I reached the young age of 59 ½ I was happy to freely raise and even lower IRA distribution amounts as needed. 

There have been plenty of budget changes over the 13 years.

We’ve gone through several budget adjustments during these 13 early retirement years. Things like health insurance, property taxes, auto and property insurance have all risen dramatically. Other things have decreased as we’ve aged and our interests changed. The biggest budget increase was Healthcare. From health insurance policy cost to out of pocket deductibles, they have climbed over the past few years. Healthcare has been sitting at ⅓ of our yearly retirement budget.

My 13th Year Has Been One Of The Most Enjoyable

The saying, you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone came to realization during the Covid crisis. This past year has been closer to a normal one and with the fresh memory of the prior couple of years still fresh, even our simple living lifestyle felt amazing. At this time we are also looking forward to the next phase of our retirement journey. 

The start of our next phase, Retirement!

I’ve come to consider that early retirement’s finish line as when we’re old enough to receive our Medicare health benefits. Although we’ve benefited from never going along with traditional notions regarding retirement, we’re calling our 65th birthday the end of our early retirement and the beginning of regular retirement. 

My bride is a few months older than I am and we’ve just transitioned her to Medicare. I am already seeing $600 in monthly health insurance savings with much lower out of pocket deductibles than we’ve had. Once I make the Medicare transition later in 2023, I will see even more savings. This will provide something in retirement that I love- having options. 

I’m still holding out until FRA (full retirement age) before starting my long earned Social Security benefit. That will offer even more retirement options in how we utilize our assets and our budget. 

If I were to pinpoint what made these 13 years of early retirement successful-

Figure out and create the kind of lifestyle you want to have.

We figured this out and lived it before retiring early. Doing this before ditching the rat race works much better than waiting until you have to or having a plan’s numbers rely on some future imaginary lifestyle. We knew exactly the ‘how and where’ we wanted to live. 

See and measure real world costs for funding your desired lifestyle.

Knowing our wanted lifestyle’s cost based on real numbers allowed us to see that we didn’t need a million dollar portfolio to afford our early retirement. Having real numbers means being able to develop a budget with monthly and annual cost expectations. 

Figuring out all sources of income.

In our case we were relying solely on taxable retirement savings accounts with early withdrawal penalty issues to maneuver around. We use an IRA bucket retirement funding strategy. Our plan also includes eventual Medicare and Social Security providing portfolio distribution relief which is just now starting to occur. We saw our retirement in phases and set funding expectations the same way. We ran our numbers through a retirement calculator and verified through different scenarios that we had the income plan to cover us throughout our retired life. 

Deciding upfront feelings toward working in retirement.

I always knew there were a few opportunities of interest I wanted to learn and do. I planned upfront that any income from retirement gigs would be reinvested into our net-worth. Although I never counted on such income in our early retirement plan, I’ve always been open to the prospect of wanting to work in retirement. Knowing if choosing a retirement job the right way, it would be rewarding both through the experience and financially. My wife didn’t have any post retirement aspirations and has never worked during her retirement. Her focus was more towards our grandkids and family.

Developing a healthcare plan for the years before Medicare.

Figuring out how to cover healthcare is a critical retirement planning issue. I had a mega-corp retirement health insurance benefit that was eroded over the years through corporate mergers and changes in executive direction regarding legacy promises to workers. It’s the same old sadly allowed corporate world story. Being it was changed to a “use it or lose it” benefit, we stuck with it through massive cost increases. 

Plan “B” was to have necessary Roth funds to make sure we could fall back on an ACA Silver Plan by making sure our taxable income could come in below ACA subsidy income thresholds. This certainly could have been our Plan “A” with the right taxable income strategy.

How long do we think we will live?

I didn’t put too much thought in this to start with. We all think we will live to be 100 and even then it seems so far off it isn’t real. But as we grow older and we start to see family members pass we are reminded that we have to deal with this bummer-how long will we live? Not only does this make us live every day with purpose, but it also helps in figuring out finances. Obviously less years on the planet means less needed to fund it. Older age also takes us down a different retirement funding path. 

Figuring out our how and when Social Security strategy.

We paid into Social Security for all of our working years so I do expect to receive my well earned retirement benefit. We have run the numbers and Social Security option scenarios through the calculator and continually test it yearly to know our best strategy. 


There have been a lot of surprises during 13 years of early retirement. Most of them were pleasant while others were perplexing, but nothing insurmountable. I still have to chuckle to myself when thinking about how much retirement initially messed with my head. I’m glad I did all I did to mentally prepare ahead of retiring and I’m sure it softened my landing. But there were still some identity issues. Something that hasn’t crossed my mind for over a decade now. It just takes recognition and time to work through. That’s true with everything in retirement that we unexpectedly find.

I’m very happy about my 13 years of early retirement and how it has all worked out. I can’t imagine what my life would have been like had I stayed in my soul grinding career. Something that seems like a previous life that’s no longer connected to this one now. 

10 thoughts on “I’m Celebrating 13 Years Of Early Retirement

  1. Congratulations on reaching 13 years of early retirement! It’s great to see that you were able to make your own luck and reach your retirement goals despite encountering obstacles along the way.

    Your story shows the importance of being frugal and maximizing savings while working, utilizing the SEPP 72t to access retirement funds without the early withdrawal penalty, and pursuing paid adventures that align with your interests and passions.

    It’s also interesting to see how your budget has changed over the years and how healthcare has become a significant expense in your retirement. Thank you for sharing your journey and offering valuable insights and advice for others who may be considering early retirement. 🙂

    1. Thanks for the comment Matt. In a way it’s sad that I remember my last day in my first career as one of my happiest there. I was fortunate to do what I’ve done with early retirement and experience some really enjoyable paid gigs along the way. Some of that is due to knowing it was for other than financial survival, but mostly because it was done with a non-career driven mindset. All in all, I’m counting and sharing my blessings hoping it might motivate others to plan for an earlier than traditional retirement.

  2. My financial advisor at Wells Fargo thought that I should take a year off and then go back to work. Because I was a software engineer when I looked for work in 2011 the imbecilic hiring managers told me I “had been away too long and everything changes too quickly.” It evolves it doesn’t get reinvented. Because I took Tom’s advice it turns out I never did need to go back to work. The financial advisor wanted to make sure my portfolio remained large enough that his cut for managing it stayed profitable for his retirement.

    1. Thanks for the comment Ralph. I only took 6 months off before going into a scaled down tech position. 6 months wasn’t seen as anything but my specific experience and the whole overqualified thing with a dash of ageism was the bigger issue to overcome. I do think we have to take financial advice with a grain of salt because there can certainly be bias involved. Mostly it’s that everyone tries to stick to an old book of traditions and rules to cover their own keister, not completely looking after ours.

  3. Your path isn’t all that different than ours. I did work until 60 so we had more invested and no restrictions regarding accessing our retirement accounts. I had a lucrative, very part time consulting gig the first five years and we lived on that money not touching our investments. I scaled that way back the last two years and we’ve been living off of investments since then. We’ll wait until age 70 for me to take Social Security and my wife will switch from her smaller benefit to a spousal benefit at that time. It’s going to pay us about 75% of what we currently spend so our withdrawal rate from investments will drop to nearly nothing. I do a lot of volunteer work, always have, and that and our many shared hobbies keep us busy and happy. I haven’t found much of an identity issue. I was well known across our state because of my job and the number of people who worked in the company I ran, and retirement has not changed that. For good or bad I can’t go anywhere without running into someone who wants to stop and catch up on old times.

    1. Thanks for the comment Steveark. Sounds like you have a rich and full retirement life. It certainly sounds like it is as hoped and planned for if not better than. Running into people from worklife past and catching up is a lot of fun. I don’t get much of that because I pretty much stay close to my town since retiring, a good 20 miles + from the suburbs of Denver CO where my careers were.

  4. Congrats on the 13 years, great that its worked out so well for you. Just finishing my first year of retirement, was great financially but had a little bump in the road health wise. Got a pacemaker in August but doing well now. Hard to plan for things like that in retirement, guess you just deal with it and keep going!

    1. Thanks for the comment William. Congrats on your retirement and getting past the health road bump. We’ve had a couple of health crisis too over the 13 years of our freedom adventure. You’re right, we have to deal with it and just keep going.

  5. What an excellent and uplifting update…in what we can call/consider a lucky # 13. Very well done!

    I can now say that I’ve actually seen/heard of a “unicorn” with my own eyes and ears. This is the only real life case of someone using ( successfully I might add ) the much ballyhooed 72t/SEPP that I’m aware of. So glad to hear it worked out and that no “50% penalty” was incurred. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for the comment Jon. Yep, lucky 13 for sure. The biggest challenge with using 72t is the interest rate that’s IRS acceptable to use for the calculation when starting it. Now that interest rates have creeped up it is once again a viable option for those like me who where primarily relying on tax deferred retirement accounts.

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