Looking To Improve Your Career? Try This

Whether you’re already out in the working world or you’re just about to graduate, you may be keen to improve your career as much as possible. After all, half of the equation for improving life’s overall financial outcome depends on our income potential. But what options do you have to do that? Sometimes, it can take you years before you’re going to be able to get to the position that you want to be in. And that can seem stressful. So maybe you should consider going for your MBA instead.


With an MBA, you should find that your medium base salary, as seen in the infographic below, is higher than if you were to graduate with your bachelor’s alone. In fact, it’s almost half! So if you’re not sure what you want to do after school, or you want to be able to improve your career prospects now, maybe studying is what you should do.


But let’s take a look at some of the career options that could be available to you as a result of completing your MBA;


Marketing Manager


Interesting in consumers and what makes them tick? Then marketing could be the career for you. As a marketing manager, an indication of the average salary you could get with a master’s degree is $131,180.


HR Director


Love working with people? And organization too? Then perhaps a career in HR is for you! Here, your average salary with a master’s degree could be around $92,000.


Not-for-Profit Manager


If your passion lies with great work and giving back, then working in the not-for-profit sector might be your kind of thing. Salary wise, the average with a master’s is around the $64,680 mark.


For more information, take a look at the infographic here;

2 thoughts on “Looking To Improve Your Career? Try This

  1. Job sites are very important for searching a job. Nowadays technologies are available and we may manage a job very easily using jobsite. We can apply for our job from this site by choosing our desired job. It is very fast way to get a job using job portal

    1. Thanks for the comment Sumatra. You are correct, using job site portals to search for and apply for better opportunities is also an important tool for improving are career.

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