Making Money For The Future By Starting Your Own Business

When it comes to making more money, especially for your future and retirement life, it is often said that you can do more by starting your very own business at home. You may have an idea that has been festering for while, or it could be that you have skills that you know could earn you more if your set up on your own. But it can be difficult to find the confidence to take that step and actually how you even go about it. I thought I would share with you some of the top tips that could help you get started.

Create a business plan


One of the first things to consider would be to create a business plan. This can be a great way to ensure you know what direction you want to take with your business. It can also help you to identify if you need funding, and how much it might take to get your business off the ground. When it comes to a home business, there should be limited set up costs, depending on what the business is, but you may still need to include investment and funding options. This is when websites like could help you out.  The plan itself could be more focused around your actual business idea and the route to market you might want to take as well, so that you cover all bases of what you are going to do with your business. Not only is having a written business plan essential for any funding needs but it will be easier for you to refer back to and adjust as needed in the months or years to come.


Have a separate area to work from home


The next thing to consider would be to have a dedicated working space for your home and your business. When you work from home, it can be quite difficult to differentiate between your working life and your home life. So many people create a desk area in their home that is purely for work, so that it can feel like you are walking away from it when you are not sitting there. It can also be a great way to keep everything to do with your home business in one place. If you have the space to dedicate a room or area of you home to your business, then it may make it easier come income tax filing time to take helpful business tax deductions.


Don’t spend your time, spend your money


Sometimes it can be quite difficult to work out when to spend money and outsource things and when to actually take on things yourself. The decision comes down to whether or not your time is more valuable put elsewhere, and whether the costs outweigh the cost of your time, etc. Sometimes you need to understand that it is better to invest wisely than to waste time, especially if it is something that could be handled better and more efficiently by being outsourced. Invest in yourself and your time to know when to take something on and when to hand it over.


Using social media and other marketing ploys


On the subject of social media, it is important for you to make more of your marketing aspects and sometimes you as the business owner is the one who can make your business shine. More people are inclined to accept people who show passion for what they are showcasing when it comes to smaller businesses, so if you can appeal to followers and engage with your audience you are on the right track. Facebook and Twitter are common platforms, but things like Instagram stories could help and websites like are full of tips to get you started.


I hope that these tips help you to create your at home business and make it shine.


23 thoughts on “Making Money For The Future By Starting Your Own Business

  1. Good tips Tommy. Starting your own business can be a great way to earn some extra income and give you more control of your time. For early retirement, you may not need to make a lot. Just some income is a good buffer and can really help with your safe withdrawal rate numbers and percentages.

    1. Thanks for the comment Arrgo. It’s amazing how earning a little money can positively impact your withdrawal rate. The funny thing I found is that making even a small amount of income in retirement brings a high level of joy. Even when all it does is cover your daily social expenses to visit the local coffee shop or other activities.

  2. The youth needs to read this. Starting your own business is one wise decision. It gets people away from living paycheck to paycheck. Anyways, great points you have there. Cheers! 🙂

    1. Thanks for the comment Kyla. I agree with you. I had 2 money making businesses I started and ran part-time to help make ends meet in my youth. They were very rewarding, both educationally and financially.

  3. Wow
    Really great tips that I suggest to all young people from this era to
    read this kind of blog and start taking action.
    Thanks for sharing and I would love to read more from you

  4. wow… great tips, after reading the post I can’t resist myself to praise you. I will recommend this post to my friends too. bookmarking your website for future suggestions 😉

  5. These are some nice tips. Starting your own business as a way to make money is always good. The sooner you think about it, the better. Thanks for sharing this article 😉

    1. Thanks for the comment Tony. Not only does starting your own business offer the opportunity make money but you learn a lot about things that you wouldn’t otherwise, from better people interaction skills to taxes.

  6. Hello. There’s something about working from home that i think might help with. I’ve heard that you can also dress the way you dress to work. It can help you concentrate on your business. Social media can be really time-consuming but it is the best way to become more visible and bring more customers or blog readers. Great article, thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for the comment Steve. You make a good suggestion. I can see where your work would be more productive when dressing for your business role instead of sweat pants or PJs all day long.

  7. I’ve been inspired by the fact that after reading your posts really awesome posts, I’ll be waiting to read your post again.

    1. Thanks for the comment Sumon. Glad you enjoyed the post. I think freelancing and self employment is becoming the path that many are now looking at in order to take more control of their income potential.

  8. Brilliant words and inspirational post too! I can’t wait to share the post on social media pages to see my friends and followers. Especially “Don’t spend your time, spend your money” is the most creative thinking from your mind. I appreciate your mind and time strategies.

  9. “Have a separate area to work from home” is the most amazing one as discussed above and I already have one in my home. By the way, these words are really impressive. I am going to share the post on my social media pages to see my friends and followers. Thanks!

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