Tag Archives: Active Retirement

The Secret to a Happy Early Retirement

Do you want to know the Secret to a Happy Early Retirement? It is staying active. It is all about staying active physically, socially, and mentally. These are non-financial aspects of retirement life. I can already hear people say that having over a million dollars would make them happy in their retirement and that is a far better Secret to a Happy Early Retirement than “staying active”.

I totally disagree with that. Having a million dollars or whatever dollar amount you come up with might be necessary for you to retire but won’t be the secret to retirement happiness. Not that having that kind of money is irrelevant to overall happiness. However, having enough where you don’t worry about money and having your needs met brings happiness regardless of what the “amount” is.

But that isn’t a secret. Everyone who is planning for early retirement always plans for the financial part of retirement. People need to also plan for the non-financial aspects of retirement.

The Secret to a Happy Early Retirement is out of the bag.

Stay Active for a fulfilling and happy life during retirement.

Stay Active Physically –

Good health is probably the main key to a happy retirement. Get up off of your butt and get moving. Walking, sports, biking, they all add to improved health. Even spending the day in the garden is much healthier than watching TV. Fuel your physical activity with healthy food. Establish a sustainable and enjoyable exercise routine.

Everyone feels better and happier when they have decent health. Don’t measure your health or exercise against others. Competitive spirit may help motivate you but your goals are to be the healthiest “YOU” you can be.

If you start your retirement with existing health issues, then make it your goal to do the best you can to improve and live the best life you can. Knowing you have taken control of your own health and doing everything possible to improve it is what makes for happiness.

Secret to a Happy Early Retirement- Stay active -Devils Tower group hikeStay Active Socially –

Make an effort to stay socially engaged with family, friends, your community, neighbors, etc. Pick a sport that includes other people, like golf, bowling, basketball, etc. Knock out two birds with one stone being social and staying physically active.

Having meaningful relationships with others is the cornerstone to happiness. It can be difficult to try to meet new people but worth the effort. Join a gym, volunteer, look at some of the local clubs that you can join. As an example in many areas there are hiking clubs. I made it a point to go to the same independent coffee shop every afternoon around the same time and soon I made new friends.

Once people see you are normal (you are normal aren’t you?) you start having conversations and later relationships. Even a Leisure Freak like me is eventually accepted. Pick a place you feel comfortable going to and make an effort to meet people or socialize with those you know who are there.

Stay Active Mentally –

Pursue your passions. Whether it is paid work or feeding your curious mind by learning new things. Read, try new things, and challenge your brain. Live your retirement as an Optimist. Always see things on the bright side and when things go sideways don’t despair but think of solutions.

Keep your mind healthy by focusing on what is positive in your life. Your experiences, passions, relationships, etc. instead of focusing on stuff.


Anyone planning for retirement should also plan for their happiness. Don’t focus solely on your retirement finances. Make sure to also identify and reduce the things that triggers your unhappiness before you retire.

If something like where you live, a relationship, your health, etc. causes you unhappiness now, it won’t get better without a plan to take control and turn it around.

Staying Active Physically, Socially, and Mentally is the Secret to a Happy Early Retirement. Pursue your passions and all the things important in life that gives you real pleasure.

Do you agree that staying active is the secret to a happy early retirement?