Tag Archives: Alarm System

10 Frugal Tips to Protect Your Home

Here are 10 Frugal Tips to Protect Your Home. Your home is your sanctuary. Although you may be living a frugal life to reap the benefits of retiring early, you still shouldn’t compromise your security or that of your family. A burglary can take away all your hard work and worse, it can leave you with damages that can cost you a fortune.

Burglaries are easy to prevent. The key is to make sure your home won’t look like an easy target. To achieve this, you can use the following tips to keep your home safe without breaking your budget or even your bank account.

This is a guest post from TopSecurityReview. It is a site that is full of well analyzed and useful information and one to look at if you are interested in Home Security or are in the market for home security systems and products. TopSecurityReview.com (non-affiliate) specializes in providing high quality home security system reviews.

The 10  Frugal Tips to Protect  Your Home

  1. Clean your lawn.

To avoid burglars on your lawn, make it a habit to always keep your plants properly trimmed. Overgrown bushes and shrubs can be used as good hiding spots. They can also decrease your home’s visibility which, in effect, can leave a burglary unnoticed.

  1. Use better lighting.

Instead of using conventional lights on your property, you can try installing motion activated lights. This type of light automatically turns on at the first sign of activity. If buying a new set of lights isn’t an option, making sure there’s light on your doors, particularly at night, can be as equally effective.

  1. Change your locks.

Traditional door locks may no longer be enough to keep your home safe. For better security, try installing deadbolt locks instead. They are relatively cheaper than buying smart locks but are as highly resistant against door lock picking and jamming. An intruder will have a hard time opening your doors without bringing his own heavy-duty tools. You should keep in mind, however, that any type of lock won’t be effective in protecting your home if they aren’t used consistently.

  1. Break your routine.

Before a burglar implements his plan, there’s a good chance he could have surveyed your property and your schedule thoroughly. To put him off, try breaking your routine once in a while. You can drop by your home during lunch this week or go home earlier than usual on the next.

  1. Get a dog.

Dogs are proven effective as burglar deterrents. Their bark can be more than enough to make intruders scamper away. However, if you think keeping a dog at home is too expensive, you can install motion-activated barking alarms instead. These devices can scare away burglars as effective as real dogs barking, minus the cost of food and trips to the vet.

  1. Set up surveillance cameras, even if they’re fake.

Fake surveillance cameras can help prevent any unwanted activities in your lawn. Most of them include blinking red lights to trick burglars that they are actually keeping a record of everything. Although they cost lower than real home cameras, they can’t give you any hard evidence in case such activities push through. They also don’t offer any means of monitoring your home.

  1. Be friends with your neighbors or start a neighborhood watch program.

Your neighbors are the first people who can respond to your emergencies. They are also the first ones who can tell if someone suspicious is prying into your home. By building close ties with your neighbors, you’re sure to have eyes constantly monitoring your property even if you’re away. A neighborhood watch program, on the other hand, increases not only your home’s security but the safety of everyone in the community. Constant surveillance in the area will deny any criminal opportunities to cause trouble.

  1. Limit online posts.

If you’re going out of town for a vacation or you just purchased a new appliance, it’ll be better if you won’t announce it on your social media accounts. Burglars can also use the internet to spy on you and your belongings. To avoid giving false invitations, do not share any details about planned trips, such as when you’ll be leaving and when you’re expected to return.

  1. Make it look like you’re home.

Burglars tend to avoid circumstances that can put them at risk of getting caught. If a home is clearly occupied, they’ll move on to much weaker targets. To mislead burglars, you can leave a pair of shoes on your doorstep. You should also make it a point to turn off the ringer on your phone. Unanswered phone calls are sure sign that nobody’s home.

  1. Consider getting a home monitoring system.

In Closing:

10 Frugal Tips to Protect Your HomeAs more and more people are making their purchases online, more and more bad guys are taking advantage by grabbing our purchases from our front porch. There are also the thefts of convenience when we leave our garage door open for any period of time. I have considered installing cameras to prevent theft or at least assist law enforcement and have a chance to recover my property if I am unfortunate and have this happen. It is something all of us should consider regardless of how safe we believe our neighborhoods to be. In any case the 10 Frugal Tips to Protect Your Home are good ideas for everyone to keep in mind and consider.

Do have any other frugal home protection tips to add to the 10 Frugal Tips to Protect Your Home?

Have you considered home security systems or products?

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