Tag Archives: Boomer

One Percents War on Generation Millennial

The One Percents War on Generation Millennial has been a full success. They have so far won. For many of the millennial generation their eventual retirement is going down the toilet or at very least will be a lot harder to fund long-term. All to the cheers and high-fiving of America’s One Percent. They used their manufactured generation war to do it. Before you leave this page thinking Leisure Freak Tommy is a crazy crack-head please hear me out.

The generational warfare of “Blame the Boomers” is a calculated agenda. One deliberately designed by the One Percent as a distraction. Its purpose, so nobody would focus on the class war that they have successfully waged for many years. I should say decades. Instead of having public debate on any policies redistributing obscene amounts of income upward, the One Percent wanted to turn this into the millennial generation against their parents and grandparents issue. Forcing everyone to fight over the peanuts that the One Percent has decided should be our fate. This is all about them maintaining current policy, status, and power.

The One Percents War on Generation Millennial?

What in the hell is Leisure Freak Tommy ranting and raving about?

One Percents War on Generation Millennial - Social SecurityIt is all about the Millennial Generation’s SOCIAL SECURITY. Here is why I call it the One Percents War on Generation Millennial.

No legislation gets passed in our government unless special interest big money is behind it. That is just the way it works. The only thing that keeps things in check so the One Percent and special interest doesn’t just get everything they are buying with their lobbying is our government’s fear of the voter. Voter backlash is the only weapon. The one thing that the common citizen of the USA has to keep things in check.

There is no going against the One Percent’s big money to change anything and they know it. What the One Percent needs to do is remove the fear of the voter to get the government to do their bidding. That is what they did to the millennial generation. Here is what the did-

While establishing the generational war to distract everyone, the millennial generation has been convinced that they won’t get Social Security. At least the majority of them believe so based on a recent Pew Research study.

When I saw these Pew Research Study results I was driven to write this article.
  • Only 6% said they expect to get full Social Security benefits when their time to retire comes.
  • Over half, 51% believe there will be no money for any benefit for them.
  • Only 39% believe there will only be a reduced benefit for them.

The more millennials in numbers that accept or believe they won’t get Social Security the less chance of any threat of a millennial generation voter backlash. Instead of showing their anger with their votes they shift their anger and blame at their parents and grandparents. Bingo! It’s now OK to kill the millennial generation’s and future generation’s Social Security retirement benefit. Why not?  It will be easy because they aren’t expecting it anyway.

What does this have to do with the One Percent?

For many years ordinary workers have gained little benefit from economic growth. Most of the gains go to those long-time rich families of this country’s elite. Then all of  the high-ranking executives of Corporate America such as the CEOs and any executive title that starts with the letter “C” that they seem to make up as they go. There is also Wall Street and the high ranking professionals like some of the lawyers who not only serve the One Percent elite but are part of them.

The One Percent love the upward redistribution of wealth. They pay big money to have the national debate focus on $1200 monthly Social Security checks instead of the policies that made them super wealthy.

Their goal is to keep everyone’s focus away from the policies that make them rich.

They do so at the expense of the 99% and they are ready to spend big money to keep the distraction going. One Percents War on Generation Millennial -Federal Spending as share of GDP_LFClaims being made that Social Security will ruin the finances of the country and enslave young people with debt are over exaggerations or outright lies.

Good jobs that could be going to younger people in the millennial generation are instead outsourced or in-sourced. My last company where I worked (2014) was in the  top 50 of the fortune 500 Companies. Employees were systematically laid off and replaced by people from India. Who makes these decisions? The One Percent executives do.

This issue and many others that are the cause of the lack of upward mobility for the younger generation isn’t being discussed. All because of the calculated distraction to look at other generations to blame for their audacity to grow old and start taking their Social Security. How much traction do stories about the growing and obscene wage gap between the rich and poor get? Not much.

There is a big demographic change- IOUs are coming due

Boomers who have paid into the Federal Government’s mandatory retirement annuity, Social Security, for 40 years or more are now retiring and starting to collect. The problem is the surplus from the money the gazillion boomers paid in is gone, It was spent in the general budget on wars and whatever else they needed to spend money on.

They replaced the collected Social Security money with an IOU which I have seen as called “special issues of the Treasury” which can’t be sold on the open market like a Treasury bond can. Its only purpose is for accounting. To track the amount of Social Security money spent for other than qualified retiree’s Social Security payments.

So the Government has to pay it back from the general fund or borrow more money. Pay back from the same general fund that income taxes go to. The fund that pays out for things like the Military, Highways, and every special interest issue you have heard of or can think of.

If they didn’t have enough in the general fund before and had to use Social Security to fund their wars and everything else, then guess what? The Federal Government might just have to cut back on all of their spending to pay back this Social Security money. Having to direct money to repay this debt will cut the money pouring out to other things. The things of which is the money that ultimately enriches the One Percent. The only other alternative is to raise taxes and we know how the One Percent feels about that.

The One Percents War on Generation Millennial - Favored Saving Social SecurityThere have been practical suggestions to fix things

Any practical Social Security funding solution goes nowhere. All because big money isn’t behind it. Even though “the people” have weighed in.

So here is their plan. Let’s cause a huge diversion. Do nothing incremental now that would be less painful to shore up Social Security. All because it might get in the One Percent’s pocket. Just call Social Security a failure and blame it on the very people who paid into it. That way the Government’s pay-back is eliminated and the money keeps flowing upward just like it has been. Brilliant!

Social Security serves a great purpose and must be saved.

Social Security ensures people won’t grow old and starve to death. It was never meant as the only thing to live on. But we all know there are scores of people who were either low-income and couldn’t save or financially irresponsible and wouldn’t save.

Calling Social Security an entitlement like it is some kind of welfare is part of the big lie. Any talk of means-testing it against people’s retirement savings also only rewards the financially irresponsible. Many who may have had higher incomes than the responsible who saved. That is a slap in the face to anyone who did the right thing to prepare for retirement. That kind of talk comes straight from special interest money.

Besides, Social Security is already means tested toward the poor. Simply raising the Social Security Income thresholds and applying existing means testing bend point equations with new variables would increase Social Security funding.

If you are a millennial and are ever asked about Social Security, say you expect it. Demand it and don’t call it an entitlement. Call it our country’s mandatory retirement annuity. Always Vote based on issues like this. Do not let the One Percent get away with shifting all the pain of the government’s spending on the 99%. The very spending from which the One Percent lobbied for and enriched themselves. The time is now to start taking steps to shore-up Social Security. Do it before it’s too late for future generations.

One last note.

Whenever Social Security reform is brought up they always say that there will be no or little impact for those 55 and older. Ask yourself why. Are they more worried about the financial impact or the boomer voter backlash?

If the One Percent wins and Social Security is eliminated for the Millennial Generation with nothing more than a yawn because millennials have bought the big lie. Do you think the One Percent are going to stand up and help pay? Pay for those millennials who were low-income and couldn’t save or the financially irresponsible and wouldn’t save for their eventual retirement? Without Social Security the One Percent will start another designed plan. Another one backed by big money for YOU to pay for the financially unfortunate in another way.

The One Percents War on Generation Millennial can be reversed by millennials expecting and demanding that Social Security be there for when they retire. They can do so with their votes. With the threat of millennial voter backlash their war will be throttled.

In Closing

Look, I am not some far left-wing activist. I consider myself a moderate independent and vote the candidate and issues. I believe in Capitalism but the One Percent’s ever growing wealth must be honestly earned. Not taken by smoke-and-mirror financial sleight-of-hand and policies that allow legalized corruption.

They know that this is not sustainable. They have to realize that to have a strong top One Percent you need a strong base of the 99%. But they are willing to stretch it until it breaks before relenting. How many will suffer if that is allowed?

There is so much that needs to be done. What I am calling out is for millennials to not give up on your Social Security benefit. It is worth fighting for.

What do you think? Is your distrust and cynical attitude about our Government greater than your belief that the One Percent really doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you?

Note: If this post makes sense to you and you agree it is important then please share it…