Tag Archives: Frugal early retirement

Is Early Retirement Using Stealth Wealth Gaming The System?

I have been told by some people who I’m routinely in contact with that I’m hard to figure out. I’m always dressed casually, drive some older but uniquely memorable cars, and they know I don’t work in any conventional sense. Yet I am able to live in a somewhat high-cost area. I am seen all over town and at events enjoying the heck out of life. I do stick to what they see as a financially measured routine. Just an average friendly guy on a budget. It works great for me because that’s exactly who I am. I’m not purposely using stealth wealth to fool anyone I encounter. As I get to know people better I clue then into the ways of early retirement.

For me, practicing stealth wealth isn’t about hiding my net worth from my family, friends, and community, although I don’t talk about it with people. It’s about how I want the government to see me. Based on my taxable income, I live below average median income levels. A type of stealth wealth strategy to live beneath the government tax and benefits radar. Am I gaming the system? Good question. I’m of sufficient net worth to retire early, yet I’m indistinguishable from the lower-income working class. I simply live the same frugal lifestyle that I enjoy and used to reach my early retirement financial target. I just look like most everyone else in this income centric society and its current economic rules.

Is Early Retirement Using Stealth Wealth Gaming The System?

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Is My Use Of Stealth Wealth Gaming The System?

I shamelessly admit that I use stealth wealth tactics to my advantage. As far as I am concerned I’m just using a different flavor of what the worshiped rich do. I use every legal means possible to pay less taxes and make myself able to take full advantage of qualifying benefits. Some people who I talk about early retirement with feel that some aspects of stealth wealth seems as unfairly gaming the system. I have to explain that “the system” they feel uncomfortable about gaming is based on rules and laws. None is being broken. For some crazy reason the thought of any of us common folk doing what the worshiped rich do is somehow unethical. I wonder, where do these kinds of thoughts come from? Well, I refuse to feel any shame and here’s why –

Using Today’s Most Worshiped Rich Guy As An Example To Make My Point

This guy proves why using stealth wealth to game the system must be alright with today’s world. He flaunts his wealth. It’s well known what was revealed during the presidential debates. In one of the only dug up tax returns, even with millions in income, he used tax loopholes to pay no income taxes. He famously proclaimed, “that makes me smart”, yet it wasn’t held against him. He obviously received the electoral-college edge to become president and has millions of ardent followers.

So, if the worshiped rich do it and it’s seen as OK, why then is it held against or thought unethical if the working class takes advantage of any tax laws and benefits that are available? Is gaming the system only acceptable for the worshiped rich?

Obamacare – Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Having a decent net worth and doing what it takes to qualify for low-cost Obamacare health insurance is the issue some folks lose their minds over. That’s why I always start with using the most famous, or as some prefer, infamous, of today’s worshiped rich guys as an example.

Yes, if you use stealth wealth strategies to keep your taxable income low enough in early retirement, you can get federally subsidized health insurance. Why is stealth wealth retirees using subsidized ACA healthcare different from when billionaires pay no or very little in income taxes? They certainly receive the same benefits of being an American as the working class people who do pay taxes every year. Answer: It isn’t! If purposely structuring your income to qualify for taking ACA subsidies is being an unethical leech, then so is the billionaire president or any of the many others for paying no or ridiculously low federal income tax on millions in income.

It’s perfectly legal and within the rules to be an IRA millionaire and apply for Obamacare subsidized health insurance. For many people, early retirement before age 65 and starting medicare must find a way to overcome the huge healthcare challenges. If your income amount qualifies, the ACA should be considered without shame, regardless of anyone’s overall portfolio size.  

My Early Retirement Healthcare

I’m not on the ACA and I pay $1064 a month (2018) for my health insurance from an employer retirement benefit. I’m one of the dwindling few Americans who after 30 years of service had something like this available. But it has changed to a use-it-or-lose-it for life benefit because of company mergers and is under threat of being cancelled every year. Based on our taxable income I could get a subsidized ACA silver plan for half what I’m now paying. But the ACA is under constant political threat. So, even though I could save substantially, I won’t give up my retirement benefit. I’m on my retirement benefit healthcare plan until it gets killed. But I see no shame in going to the ACA If anything happens to my retirement health plan.

Purposely Lower My Tax Rate

When working there was little I could do to lower my taxable income beyond what a 401k and IRAs could do. After that I was just left with Schedule A deductions. There wasn’t a legal way that I could substantially reduce my taxable income. I paid in taxes nearly what my yearly retirement budget is now. Once I retired and started living off of my portfolio I had some control over taxable income. My biggest stealth wealth move is looking like I live on a lower income and thus pay little in taxes. It comes right out of the billionaire handbook – Pay the least amount of taxes possible.

Tax Efficient Income Strategy

I purposely use a tax efficient retirement withdrawal strategy to control my taxable income and improve portfolio longevity success. Instead of trying to find tax deduction loopholes as the worshiped rich do, I use a mix of both taxable and non-taxable funds during the year to get my total budgeted amount. It lowers my taxes and is what allows me to be eligible for ACA subsidies if I ever need them. If I were to go on the ACA I would need even less taxable income from my portfolio and will pay even less taxes. A win-win!

Delayed Tax Payment

Not only do I keep my taxable income low but I only pay the minimum taxes through the year without getting hit with a underpayment penalty. I make the government wait to the last-minute to get what’s fully owed. The amounts I hold back go instead into an interest paying account. Why shouldn’t working class folks, the dwindling middle class, collect interest on their money by saving it instead of prepaying more than they need to? Even if it’s a small interest income amount earned, it’s more than zero. I never overpay through the year. Refund my own overpaid money, interest-free, only when they are good and ready to – Forget that!

The recent tax cuts threw us a few peanuts and gave the big cuts to the worshiped rich and corporations. That alone is reason to think about ways to game this part of the system in our favor just like the folks who dreamed up this new scheme. What’s good for the wealth flaunting elite is good for the stealth wealth early retiree and everyone else.

Living Well Without Shame

Early retirement is all about living well, very well, for the working middle class. There are many things that should be considered. Some are less known than others, like the retirement loophole to get IRA money before age 59 ½ without penalty. Using stealth wealth strategies both in how we live and how we structure our finances isn’t gaming the system. It’s taking advantage of a financially sustainable lifestyle within the existing rules and laws so we too can live well.

Gaming The System? Hardly!

As to those who feel stealth wealth retirees are gaming the system, we need to get over squabbling with each other over the peanuts that the worshiped rich message we are only worthy of. What next, tell us that the Social Security and Medicare we were forced to pay into our whole lives should be cut to cover the growing deficit.? A deficit made worse from the worshiped rich tax cut.

We have the same rights to pay lower income taxes and collect any qualifying benefits as the billionaire ruling class and mega corporations do. It isn’t gaming the system at all. It’s about putting our money towards our retirement freedom, the causes, charities, and the people we care about. And, for me that list has absolutely no worshiped rich folks on it.

I do love being the regular ordinary guy that’s hard to figure out by folks. After decades of paying into the system a higher percentage of my income than the worshiped rich do, I love even more being seen by the government as a lower-income working class taxpayer like most everyone else. I do admit there may also be enjoyment that goes beyond financial in my tactics. Sometimes it’s the little things that we amuse ourselves with that adds a little fun to life.

How To Improve Your Financial Situation Today For A Better Future

Money is something that not everyone is comfortable talking about. Either you’re doing well and you don’t overly want to go into your situation or seem like your boasting, or you’re not doing so well and you don’t want to have to think about it. Despite which option applies most to you, you may find that you just don’t want to have to think too much about money. But if you want to be able to let your finances really flourish, you just have to. You have to be okay with thinking about money, coming up with ideas, and planning what you’re going to do for a better financial future. There’s no way around it. Because if you are going to enjoy a healthy financial future, you have to start putting the wheels in motion today. And this is something that not everybody realizes.

So, you want to enjoy your retirement or have a more comfortable standard of living in ten years time? Well, that all starts today. Today is the day that you really need to be okay with making changes to your current circumstances, habits, and actions. When you can work on making improvements now, you will find that you really turn things around. Even if you’re not struggling and you have your sights set on being in an incredible situation. If you want that to happen, you need to get real about it all today. If you’re not sure where to start, let’s take a look at some steps that can help you to do it.

How To Improve Your Financial Situation Today For A Better FutureImage source


1- Be Real About Your Financial Situation


When you’re looking to make any kind of change in life, the first thing you need to do is access where you are. So think about your current situation. Whether it’s negative or positive, you need to understand what position you’re in now, so that you can work out what it will take for the better future you want. From living frugally to investing in yourself more, there are so many solutions to consider. But first, you have to really get to grips with where you are.


2-Deal With Debts


One thing you absolutely have to address is any debts that you have. If you are debt-free, then move on to point three. But if you do have debts, no matter how big or small they may be, you’ll want to work on paying them off as soon as possible. So speak to your providers and see if you can work out a repayment plan that is going to be as favorable to you as possible – no matter how long it takes.


3- Ensure You Have The Funding Available For Now


From here, you will want to make sure that you have all the funds you need to live today. This means that you will need to know that you can pay your bills and afford food for the time being. If you are in a short-term financial bind you can consider borrowing money. This is easily done if your credit is decent. But, you can get a small loan for bad credit too.  Just something to consider as help to cover a short-term gap. By working out a rough budget that you can stick to for now, you should be able to cut back on things that aren’t necessary, so that you are always living within your means going forward.

Improve Your Financial Situation Today For A Better FutureImage Source


4- Increase Your Income


Now, you need to work on increasing the money you earn. These ideas to drastically increase your income are always worth considering. Yes, this is going to take work. But if you want to improve your future, it will always be worth it.


5- Get A Side Hustle


Another option is to get yourself a lucrative side hustle, as seen in that post. Sometimes, you won’t always be able to earn the money that you want from your job. But doing something on the side will allow you to get the extra income you need.


6- Save Today To Benefit Tomorrow


Now, you may struggle to cut back today, because you think you need all of those things in your life to live comfortably. But if you really want to be able to enjoy your future, you will want to make sure that you’re living frugally today, so that you can enjoy more tomorrow. This may be something you need to do for a few months or a few years, but if you’re serious about your future, this will always pay off.


7- Start A Savings Plan


To help you do exactly that, you’re going to want to come up with a savings plan. Think about the amount of money you have free to pay towards your goals for the future (more on this in point ten). When you create a plan, you should find it much easier to start putting money away automatically, rather than seeing it as difficult to part with the cash.


8- Think About Your Retirement


Now, a huge part of your future will be retirement. You’re likely here because you want to retire early. But how early are you talking? Do you know what age you’d like to retire and how you’re going to do that? Maybe it’s time to sit down and really plan out what you need to do with your career to make this happen.


9- Watch Your Money More Closely


To really help you to make this work, you have to keep an incredibly close eye on your financials at all times. Check in with your accounts daily, assess your spending daily, and make judgments going forward to help you to keep things in line.


10- Set Financial Goals


Lastly, you should find that it really helps you if you can set yourself some financial goals. Now, they don’t have to be huge, but you should ensure that you have some kind of guide in your mind about what you want to do with your money. This could be to save a set amount of money to go on a vacation or it could be to commit to a certain payment each month to a 401k. As long as you have goals in place, you should find that you can really improve things for the future.

How Multi-Purpose Skincare Can Help Contribute To An Early Retirement

In the last three months alone, 1.35 million Americans spent $500 or more on skincare products. As we age, we tend to spend even more on products that promise to keep our skin looking vibrant and youthful. Those trying to cut back on costs or budget for an early retirement know the importance of considering every angle to increase savings, but being frugal with skincare products doesn’t have to mean sacrificing overall skin health. For those looking to enjoy an early retirement, here are some cost-effective strategies to maximize your skin’s appearance while keeping your wallet happy.


How Multi-Purpose Skincare Can Help Contribute To An Early Retirement

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Apple cider vinegar for internal and external benefits

When you think of apple cider vinegar, chances are a salad pops into your mind. While apple cider vinegar is commonly used as part of a dressing for some leafy greens, it also boasts many internal health benefits, such as aiding the digestive process. If you already have a bottle of this vinegar in your home, you can easily incorporate it into your skincare routine as a topical treatment for skin health. Simply dilute the apple cider vinegar with equal parts water and use it as a cost-effective toner. Once it dries, just rinse, pat your face dry and enjoy your glowing skin!


How Multi-Purpose Skincare Can Help Contribute To Saving For An Early Retirement

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Coconut oil in cooking and as a moisturizer

While coconut oil can be more expensive than sunflower or canola oil, its multi-purpose qualities make it a better bargain in the long run. As a medium-chain saturated fat, coconut oil is actually the ideal type of oil for cooking in high heat as it does not oxidize, making it healthier overall. It is also an ingredient in many delicious dessert recipes, making it a 2-for-1 in terms of use. However, the benefits of coconut oil don’t end there. It can be used as an effective face and body moisturizer and also offers a modest SPF of 4. One container of coconut oil can be efficiently used in delicious savory and sweet recipes, and as a replacement for unnecessary and expensive moisturizers with its natural skin benefits.


Enjoy coffee and exfoliate with the grounds

Many skincare products include caffeine for its numerous benefits on the skin, especially as a result of its anti-aging properties. But you can simply reuse your coffee grounds once your coffee is made to energize and exfoliate your skin–from head to toe! Once you’ve made your morning coffee, simply let the grounds cool off and put them aside in a container. Mix in some coconut oil and apply generously to your body and face after a shower, letting it sit for a few minutes. Rinse it off and enjoy skin that is not only smooth and free of dead skin cells, but also soft and moisturized. An added bonus is that caffeine also combats cellulite, making this scrub all the more useful.


As we plan for our future and the not-so-distant prospect of retirement, it is important to take a hard look at our spending habits if we truly want to save money. As skincare alone accounts for so much of our hard-earned income, using natural products that are multi-purpose not only prioritizes our savings but also our skin.


This article is a contribution to Leisure Freak from freelance writer Jackie Edwards. Thanks Jackie for these money-saving natural skincare tips!
Now working as a full-time freelance writer, Jackie Edwards is also a busy mum of two small children. In any free time she has (which isn’t much) she likes to volunteer and do charity work and take the family greyhound Bertie for long walks.

The Way To Afford A Retirement Abroad

The thought of retiring abroad is an exciting one, but it’s definitely not a jump you should make with your eyes closed. You need a plan of action so that you can enjoy your retired years in luxury. For that, you’ll need financial backing. Of course, moving to a new country can be expensive, but once you’re there you can stretch your retirement savings. Retiring at home is costly enough, so you need to be prepared if you want to afford a retirement abroad. Still, there are ways to make this possible if you’re frugal and smart when it comes to cutting costs. The following advice will help you out.



Choose the right place to retire.

One of the most important aspects of retiring abroad cheaply is to choose the right place to live. You need to think about life in the long-term. There’s no point in choosing a place because you found a cheap deal there on a certain property; think about the difference in the overall cost of living. You might want to choose a country with a cheaper cost of living so that your money can be stretched further. As we’ve listed before, there are many cheap places to retire if you do your research.


Obviously, you need to weigh up other factors too. You need to think about whether you’ll like the place to which you’re moving (the heat, the culture, the cuisine, and so on). You’ll also need to think about the attitude of locals towards immigrants. It’s important that you feel welcome in your new home. The language barrier is something to consider too. Either you should move to a place in which a high number of the local population speaks your native language, or you should learn the native language of the country in question.


Think about the finer details of a new citizenship.

It’s important to consider the cost of living when moving abroad, but there are lots of other costs to consider before you can even become a citizen of a new country. Obviously, if you’re retiring abroad then you’re most likely planning to do so for an extended period of time if not permanently. That means you’ll need to gain the proper citizenship for the country in question. The application process can be costly, but you can save money if you do your research. You might want to check out ushpmed.com if you need a cheap option for your immigration medical examination. Of course, this is only one such procedure you’ll face during the immigration process. Do your research into the costs before you start applying to move.



Start saving.

At the end of the day, the best way to afford a retirement abroad is to start saving up your money as early as possible. If you have a healthy amount of savings in your bank account then you’ll be able to cover the many move related expenses involved. Of course, it’s a price worth paying when it comes to retiring in luxury, something retiring abroad can make more affordable. As explained over at roadjunky.com, the cost of your retirement in a new country all depends on the place to which you move and the type of lifestyle you want to lead. We’ve discussed potential options for saving money along the way, but the rest of it is up to you.


Create A Bright And Colorful Garden On A Budget

Do you dream of spending lazy afternoons in a beautiful, fresh and inviting garden now that you’ve retired early? Americans are spending more time than ever in their gardens, with 1 in 3 households now growing their own vegetables in their outside space. Spending time in the garden is a relaxing, peaceful and enjoyable pastime for many retirees and it’s a pure luxury to be able to put your feet up and enjoy your surroundings on a warm summer day. Entertaining family and friends in the confines of your garden is a perfect frugal activity for retirees, therefore creating a bright and atmospheric space while sticking to a budget is essential.

Create A Bright And Colorful Garden On A Budget

Photo by Marie-Sophie Tékian on Unsplash

Open up the garden

A simple tidy up and trim of the bushes can be all it takes to turn the garden from a cluttered, overgrown, unappealing mess to a spacious and attractive part of the home that you want to spend bundles of time in, and it doesn’t cost anything to have a bit of a spring clean. During the autumn, crisp leaves which have fallen to the ground will soon become a damp, soggy annoyance. Cleaning these up with a leaf blower will instantly make the garden appear bigger and, while it may be a bit of an investment, there are numerous alternative uses for a leaf blower which make them a good multi-functional tool worthy of the initial outlay.

Inject color

Colorful gardens are fun and bring a smile to your face when you step outside. Fences, planters and wooden pieces of furniture can be painted in an array of colors to instantly brighten the area. Opting for plants and shrubs in different colors, purchased from discount retailers, creates a lively atmosphere which anyone will enjoy relaxing in. While scattering pretty cushions on benches and chairs will make them comfortable and stylish. You can recycle old tin cans by painting and decorating them and filling them with beautiful low-cost plants, too. Or, get the grand-kids to transform the rocks at the bottom of the garden into animals and dot these around the lawn.

Bring the garden to life

Invite friends and family round for a get together and ask they all pitch in to spruce up the garden at the same time. This is a great cost saving method and way to get jobs completed swiftly, while enjoying time together. Someone can mow the lawn, while others trim the bushes and pot some new plants and all you’ll need to do is dish out some ice-cold drinks and pop a few burgers on the barbecue to keep everyone happy. It’s also worth asking your loved ones if they’ve got any old pieces of garden furniture in their sheds that they no longer want, or packets of seeds stashed away that they’re not going to use which you could recycle and put to good use in your own garden.

There is no need to spend a fortune on doing up the garden when there are so many ways to brighten and liven the space up for very little expense.


This timely spring-season related article is a contribution to Leisure Freak from freelance writer Jackie Edwards. Thanks Jackie!

Now working as a full-time freelance writer, Jackie Edwards is also a busy mum of two small children. In any free time she has (which isn’t much) she likes to volunteer and do charity work and take the family greyhound Bertie for long walks.

Holiday Season Hacks: Christmas Can Be Thrifty

When the holiday season gets into full swing; it can be a challenge to reign-in your finances and keep track of your spending. There will be travel costs, gifts, food, and decorations to invest in, and these can end up spiraling, causing you to head into the new year feeling out-of-pocket and strapped for cash. By the time you get to January; you’ll know that you overspent, but you might not be sure what you’ve bought, and why everything cost so much. Therefore, it’s worth putting some time and effort into your frugal living over the holidays, and focusing on saving money where you can. A little planning and savvy preparation can go a long way.

It’s not about becoming the Grinch of the family over the festive season; however, there’s nothing wrong with making wise financial decisions regarding what and where you spend. If you do it right; nobody in your family will even notice that you’ve made an effort to cut back and pocket the savings, but your wallet, retirement fund, and bank balance will be extremely grateful.

The following are some tips, ideas, and advice for those who want to save their money over the holidays, but still want to enjoy the time with their loved-ones and have a very happy Christmas.


Holiday Season Hacks: Christmas Can Be Thrifty

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Holiday Season Hacks

Plan Your Gift Giving


The cost of Christmas gifts is probably one of your biggest extra-expenses over the holiday season. Therefore, it’s worth working out a set budget for each person, and really sticking to it. Better yet, paying less than expected and saving the excess. Sites like DontPayFull.com are the perfect place to start, as you can pick up some discounts and special offers that you wouldn’t find in the retail shops, so check them out and do your research to price compare.

Wrapping paper and cards can also add up to a large sum; if you haven’t already, utilize the January sales to stock up on greetings cards, bows, ribbons, and paper so that you never pay full price. Check the attic or your home’s storage closet for anything left over from last year that could be used. Don’t overspend on things that you may already have. You may be surprised at how many things you can find and put to purpose that would later be destined for the recycling bin if unused.


A Homemade And Recycled Approach


Decorations, food, and drink will be next on the list of things you’ll be forking out for over the holidays. Therefore, it’s worth putting some time into using what you already have, or investing in some affordable elements, to create things yourself at home.

Homemade decorations will always look festive and unique and you can get the whole family involved. It’s amazing what you can create with a hot glue gun, some ingenuity, and re-purposed decorations that may have been unused for years. Check out sites like Pinterest.com for some inspiration.

The same goes for food and drinks. It can be so expensive buying ready-made edible items. Try and make as much as possible using ingredients in your cupboards and get baking from scratch. The homemade approach will always go down well will friends and family, and perhaps if you’re feeling crafty; homemade gifts is something you can consider too.


Christmas can still be festive and fun, and saving cash during the holidays could even add to the experience. Don’t overspend and instead head into the new year having saved money where you can.

Early Retiree DIY Repairs Saves Money

Early Retiree DIY Repairs Saves Money and it is all possible because a retiree has the time to do it. I am not saying that non-retirees on the path to early retirement won’t save money by doing repairs themselves. Or that they shouldn’t. However some repairs can’t wait for the weekend. There were times when I was working long hours that I would have to hire out home or auto repairs to get things up and working.

Case in Point – Plumbing.

First off I want it made clear to everyone. I hate everything to do with plumbing. But there are times a home owner has to do what needs to be done. In my recent case it was the front yard sprinkling (irrigation) system.

It had been hot and I set the sprinkling system’s auto timer to do its thing while we were away on a week-long vacation. Isn’t that naturally when stuff is supposed to break? When we got home there was an obvious dried out front lawn. So I ran the front system and only 2 of the three heads popped up. It was definitely low water pressure. Funny there was no water gurgling up or flooding from the depths of the front lawn. This was my first clue that I was going to need to grab a shovel and start digging things up.

Early Retiree DIY Repairs Saves MoneyWhat were those who installed this system thinking or maybe smoking?

I started by digging around the head that wouldn’t pop up and sprinkle. Maybe I will get lucky and it’s just a busted riser. Or the head itself is plugged for some reason. Nope. I am not that lucky. I dug deeper and deeper. The head came off of a 4 inch riser. But there was a connector to another length of riser below it. How long is this riser setup? How deep is this going?

Allow me to paint the picture of this loads-of-fun. This head was a few feet away from a 30 foot Austrian Pine tree. The tree and the system go back to when the house was first built in 1988. I didn’t come along and buy this house until 1995.

What I finally dug to was a tree root with the girth of my arm pressing against the bottom riser. With a tangle of roots wrapped around everything. Who in their right mind would run a main water line right under what would be a massive tree?

Do People Purposely Make Things Difficult For Later Repairs?

I pictured them chuckling at the idea the home owner would be calling them back in some years to repair their designed-to-fail installation. This head didn’t even water the tree. It is pointed toward the lawn. The tree is watered off of a different valve and line.

I turned on the system and stuck my hand in under this massive root and could feel mud. As I scratched away with my fingers where I couldn’t reach with the small hand-held garden shovel. There it was. Water gushing up now and flowing out into the world. I could never reach the pipe for the source of the leak so that I might dig it up and repair the break. It was really deep and roots were everywhere.

The only thing I could think to do was find the pipe somewhere away from the tree roots and bypass where the current system is broken. It appears the roots have crushed and cracked the pipe or broke a joint.

Early Retiree DIY Repairs Saves Money 2Finding the pipe to bypass the tree.

I found a head that had been capped off towards the valve and dug it up. Then traced it back to the source pipe. The SOBs buried this thing nearly 2 feet deep. I then tried to figure out where I would run a pipe to feed that area by the tree which was a mistake. I needed to think where the Jack-Holes who installed this ran the pipe. I dug several deep holes and never found it. So I had to go to the functioning head and dig and trace back from there. It was deep and at an angle that makes me think the initial installers were paid by the foot of pipe laid. I was able to finally run 40 feet of new pipe and bypass the tree and all of its glorious roots, once again irrigating the front yard.

Conclusion- I hated every minute of it.

Working for 3 days in the heat of summer, digging trenches and 2 foot deep holes. Dealing with mud and plumbing in general. Is not what I call a Leisure Freak life. But leisure has to be put into perspective against the occasional labor.

I have to figure if I hired this out they would have the job finished a lot faster. Especially with all of their up to date tools and equipment. But I have to assume it would have cost at least $1000 to do it. At least that is what I would charge to do it for someone else and hoped they said I was crazy and got someone else to do it. I will keep saying to myself that I saved $1000 and be happy with my accomplishment.

This would have been worse spending 2 weekends of time finishing it up and putting in a 40 to 50 hour work-week in around it.

Early Retiree DIY Repairs Saves Money but sometimes it’s saving money the hard way. I was glad to have the time to do it too.

Have you had similar nightmare repairs that saved you lots of cash?