Tips For Achieving Job Success

This post was contributed to Leisure Freak by the site Value of Stocks. The first step in reaching financial independence is earning income which requires having a level of job success. Here are some tips for effectively choosing how best to do that.

It is fairly easy to get lost in this life. Not knowing which path to take to reach your goals is fairly common. We all want to achieve some kind of success, probably in different areas. Wealth perhaps, or financial freedom. There are multiple ways to achieve your dreams and your goals. Not all of them are the same, but they require a solid foundation that is similar and independent from the path you choose to take. 

Tips For Achieving Job Success

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Think Of Job Success As More Than Money

Find Your Calling

This is perhaps the most important step to achieve success. I am not talking here about financial success but a successful craft in which you can specialize. Finding what you love to do is perhaps one of the most important steps to become happy and successful. No matter how much financial success you achieve, it isn’t worth doing something just for the money and the final outcome. You should focus on doing what you love, and doing it everyday. This is one of the keys to achieve your ultimate goals. Finding your calling is as important as finding the path to financial freedom. It is perhaps the most important step you should take. 

Although the numbers are debatable, it is estimated that 85% of all the people are not happy with their jobs. It is just foolish and masochist to spend your whole day doing something you don’t like, in order to get promoted and still do something you don’t enjoy. Just for the possibility of reaching a certain financial goal. It is rather important that you spend most of your time doing what brings you joy. This may certainly not be the most profitable job you have in the first place. But your love for that activity will ensure that you can constantly get better.

Working for Someone or Be Your Own Boss

It takes a special trait of character to go into business. Entrepreneurs are people that are willing to take a risk, working multiple hours for something that might ultimately fail. This should not discourage you at all. Most of the time entrepreneurs fail, but the lessons you can learn from failing are far greater than the ones, success might teach you. It also has to do with personality, some people like to have a fixed job, and are perfectly happy working for a company for a long time. I am not forcing you into any direction here, it should be a personal decision, and you must take that decision early on in life. Mainly because failing as a young entrepreneur is something uncomfortable but rather easy to overcome. When you reach a certain period in your life, where you have multiple responsibilities. Your family might even be dependent on you, there is very little room for failure. The sooner you start your entrepreneurial endeavour the better.

Start a Company

If you are starting a company there are three main ways to succeed. I will try to explain all of them so you get a better perspective.

1- Better Product/Service

One of the ways to succeed is to start a company which has a superior product or service. This is extremely difficult, because most of the time there are many other competitors trying to reach the same objective. Although it is not impossible it is still a far fetched idea, that might help you achieve this goal.

This is not by far the only way of achieving your goals. There are a number of ways to succeed without being an incredible innovator. Just look at Facebook as an example, at the time, there were numerous other social media platforms that were already up and running. This should also reinforce that no matter how good your idea for the product or service is, you have to execute it perfectly. Business success is much more about execution than the idea itself. Many people might have the same idea, but the execution is the key differentiating factor. This leads us to number two.

2- Better Way of Doing Things

This is the key for most of the business success. It is not about the idea itself it is all about execution. You will also find that some business opportunities lie in identifying a way some things can be done better. Let’s look at Walmart, there were retailers before them. What made them stand out, was their execution. There wasn’t any revolutionary product or service, just a much more efficient way of doing things. 

3- Cheaper Way of Doing Things

This leads us to number three. Executing with the lowest cost. This is another way that sets apart companies, solely based on their profitability. It is inherently tied to the execution part of the business and more specifically regarding efficiency. If for some reason you think there is a better, or more efficient way of conducting a certain business. And that translates into cheaper cost. You can pass that towards your consumers and it should allow you to grow over time.


I hope you were able to learn something from this. I would go even further and I expect you to find what you love doing, and spend the rest of your life doing it. Just like I love to write about finance, and try to help people think outside the box. Life is short and I wish you all the success and happiness you can achieve. Remember life is not about the material things, it is about doing what you love and meaningfully impacting the ones you like the most, family and friends. You won’t be in your deathbed missing all those hours spent doing something you hate, for that hefty paycheck or the large amounts of money you made. Focus on what is important and good luck.

This article was contributed to Leasure Freak by the site Value of Stocks. 

Author bio: Value of Stocks is an independent financial information provider. Focused on analyzing stocks with a value investing approach. Our main goal is to help investors make better investment decisions.

6 thoughts on “Tips For Achieving Job Success

  1. Some good points here. Another thing related to doing something you love or enjoy is that you can have longevity in doing it. Even if it doesnt pay a lot, you can always make some extra money from it and it can pay dividends for the rest of your life. My side hustle really was a bonus when I previously got laid off and also during the pandemic shutdown.

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  4. Nice post! simply career success is defined as reaching a respectable amount of financial stability while performing something you enjoy, as well as finding happiness and fulfilment in your life and career choices.

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